Episode 49: Sue Big Oil, Private Public Space, Talking Taxes, Viral Videos, Hope is not just a place

It’s another jam packed episode of For the Record with host Daniel Fontaine. My special guest is once again Coun. Paul Minhas.

Some of the topics discussed include a viral video recorded on Columbia Street showing a public bus stop being used for private purposes – including the consumption of illicit drugs. We’ll share an interview from CKNW’s popular Jill Bennett Show on this topic.

Are you prepared as a New West taxpayer to give $80,000 to some high priced lawyers so we can join a “Sue Big Oil” lawsuit? A motion will be coming to council soon – so we discuss.

Would you like to see at least one 2025 operating budget scenario with a maximum tax increase of 4.5%. A previous attempt to have this happen got voted down. But if at first you don’t succeed, try try again!

If you are living in New West did you know you are paying a special 3.5% climate action levy (also known as a tax) on your electricity bill each month? An attempt to temporarily remove that levy in 2025 is about to be debated soon.

Over 27,000 views of videos posted by the New West Progressives in less than a month? What the heck is going on?

Did city council just appoint me to an external body? Say it isn’t so. Listen through to the end of the podcast to find out about this amazing appointment.

If you enjoyed this podcast, be sure to recommend it to your family and friends. It’s available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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Episode 47: Exclusive interview with PoCo Mayor Brad West, ‘mini’ carbon tax, council roundup

Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West makes an appearance on For the Record. In a special interview recorded in Vancouver at the Union of BC Municipalities, West talks about a number of key items of concern to him and other mayors in the Metro Vancouver region.

Some of the topics both Mayor West and I touch upon include involuntary care, homelessness, transit funding and property taxes.

Also making another appearance this week is New West Councillor Paul Minhas. In this week’s Council Roundup, the topics of a ‘mini’ carbon tax, Cycling Sundays, Metro Vancouver wasted tax dollars, community block party fees and much, much more are on the table for discussion.

The topic of “The Way I See It” editorial this week is Premier David Eby’s turnabout on the issue of involuntary care. Why was a NWP motion calling for mental health supports in December 2022 shot down by Community First? Why are CF politicians not speaking out against NDP Premier David Eby’s campaign promise to force some people with mental illness into involuntary care in modernized Riverview-like institutions throughout BC?

This is a podcast you will want to listen through to the end! It’s available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcast.

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Episode 46: Climate credibility, limiting lobbying, baked brie, cycling Sundays and exclusive interview with Gail North

In this week’s edition, For the Record covers a number of hot topics in New West and beyond.

I have an exclusive interview with Gail North, President of the Queen’s Park Resident Association. Learn about Gail’s experience restoring her heritage home and find out why she is a fixture at city hall every two weeks.

“The Way I See It” focuses on the major policy flip flop by Premier David Eby and his NDP government regarding the carbon tax. Special guest Coun. Paul Minhas speculates whether this flip flop will encourage council to take a second look at our own version of the carbon tax – the 3.5% Climate Action Levy imposed on all monthly utility bills in New West.

Will Canada Day be in Sapperton next year? How about Queensborough? Council debated a motion to seek feedback from the public regarding whether to move the Canada Day festivities around New West. The motion got approved, but not without a twist!

Would you like to be able to safely and easily cycle from the western end of the boardwalk along the Fraser River through to the Brunette Fraser Regional Greenway in Sapperton? How about a pilot project called “Cycling Sundays” that could involve the temporary day-long closure of Front Street next summer. You heard it here first!

Did you host a block party this summer and appreciate the fact the fees have been waived due to a NWP motion which got approved in Council? Good news, the fee reduction is now permanent and the issue with securing the proper insurance has also been resolved too.

If you enjoyed the podcast, be sure to tell family and friends to follow For the Record. It’s available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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