Episode 3: Ria Renouf Revealed! An interview with New West’s intrepid former journalist

In this podcast I sit down at Waves Coffee on Columbia Street with intrepid former journalist Ria Renouf. We talk about her genuine interest in city politics and how this might – one day – translate into a run for Mayor of the Royal City. Ria discusses the role a pizza played when it came to breaking a province-wide story about the resignation of former Community First School Trustee Dee Beattie. We also get to play Ria Rapid Round and find out which politician she’d most like to have dinner with if given the opportunity. This and much, much more!

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Episode 2: Fake Twitter Account + Resignation = By-election

It all started with a fake Twitter account set up by a local civic politician in New Westminster. After a bit of sleuthing by a couple of local parents, it led to a resignation. Now we’re about to invest a significant amount of School District dollars to undertake a by-election.
In this episode of For the Record with I sit down with trustee candidate Kathleen Carlsen to find out why she thinks Community First ‘needs a time out’ in the upcoming by-election. We also learn some interesting details about Carlsen’s past which ends the show on a positive ‘note’!
You can listen to this podcast on all major platforms, or by clicking on the link below.

Episode 1: Pattullo Bridge Party, Crime and Safety and Snow Summit

The first guest to appear on For the Record is Councillor Paul Minhas. During the podcast Minhas and Fontaine have a look back at their first year on Council and discuss some of the key issues that have generated debate and discussion.

Some of the topics included the removal of the Royal City moniker, train whistle cessation, the Snow Summit, pay hikes for municipal politicians, the new citizens assembly and much more. This podcast is available on all major platforms or you can also listen to it by clicking on the image below.

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