In another packed episode of For the Record, a number of important civic topics get discussed.
Starting off the podcast is a discussion on the topic of a new lobbyist registry in New Westminster and Metro Vancouver. A motion recently got passed asking the Lower Mainland Local Government Association to support a request to establish a lobbyist registry for Metro Vancouver and other mid to large-sized cities. New West Council has done its part, now it’s up to the LMLGA to do theirs. Have a listen to an interview on this topic conducted by Jas Johal on 730 AM CKNW.
Two notices of motion are on the docket for next week at Council. They won’t be debated until March 24th, but Council will receive them for debate. They include a motion to officially put a halt to the Queen’s Park boulevard rewilding and naturalization pilot project.
Another motion calls for the implementation of a Priority New West policy that will provide residents and local business owners with increased priority when accessing programs and services. Will the motion pass unanimously?
A motion to be debated on Monday March 10th is a call for Council to support a School District 40 request for funding to begin the process of building a new high school in Queensborough. But should the new high school also capture the student population in East Richmond? The Chair of the School Board sends a letter to Council and weighs in with her thoughts.
What ever happened to the New West Caucus or “Team New West” motion”. It was passed about two years ago and called for the Mayor to convene a non-partisan meeting of the three MLAs, MP and City Council for a discussion on how they could all work together to advance the interests of New Westies. There are signs a meeting may be convened soon, but what took so long?
Why are so many business owners and residents calling it quits? Two individuals have said they’ve had enough of the politics, waste of tax dollars and poorly set priorities of our local politicians. They’re packing up and moving out of New West – but should they?
Columnist Doug Todd from the Vancouver Sun triggers a vigorous online debate regarding whether we’re building amenities at a fast enough rate to keep up with our population growth. The headline of his column (which became the number one trending story on the Sun website for almost 36 hours) asks if becoming the 2nd most densely populated city in Canada was worth it. Have a listen to the discussion about whether we could or should have done more to invest in parks, pools and playgrounds!
Thanks to a NWP motion, patio hours are about to be extended in New West. Just in time for summer. Listen in to learn more.
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