Episode 67: Illicit Drug Inhalation Center, Procurement Pickle, Climate Crisis and Jumbo Jets, Electrical Utility Motion Jolted, Citizen Assembly

Right off the top the topic of a new illicit drug inhalation center in downtown New Westminster is discussed. Now that Council voted 5 (Johnstone, Campbell, Henderson, Nakagawa and McEvoy) to 2 (Minhas and Fontaine) to give green light to this controversial new service, how long will it take to open – and what will the impact be to the surrounding downtown neighbourhood?

It’s hard to believe a mundane report on procurement could trigger controversy. The problem wasn’t the report itself, it was more about how it got initiated. Is there now a precedent set that individual members of New West Council can direct staff to undertake work without getting the prior consent of their colleagues? Listen in to find out!

Kudos to local residents in Connaught Heights for initiating a pollinator project in their neighbourhood. They’re doing it to protect our environment and tackle the issue of climate change. But are all those efforts blown away when a single member of Council jumps on a jet plane to Japan or Dubai? Does the carbon footprint of a discretionary international junket or personal trip counterbalance all the great work being done in the local community?

This shouldn’t come to you as a “shock”, but a motion asking to conduct a market assessment of the New West Electrical Utility got referred to the political equivalent of ‘never-never land’. The motion was calling for a review of the current governance and operation model with a goal of maximizing the returns for local ratepayers. But it didn’t take long for a Councillor to start talking about the ‘privatization boogeyman’ with another one quickly moving a motion to refer this to the Electrical Utility to analyze.

New Westminster’s pilot Citizen Assembly is being publicly heralded by our civic politicians as ‘leading edge’ and ‘innovative consultation’. The Assembly’s work is all wrapped up now with an ‘independent’ assessment of the pilot project getting underway soon. Anyone want to guess as to what the final results of the review will be?

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Episode 66: Biz Opportunity Lost, New Drug Inhalation Center, Metro Van Secrecy ‘by design’, Queen’s Park Organizes!

In Episode 66 of For the Record, the opening discussion focuses on a recent economic forum that took place at the Anvil Center. While organizers are applauded for their efforts, a local entrepreneur (who wants to remain anonymous) speaks out about why downtown New West lost out on becoming the regional headquarters for his international business! 45 well paying jobs will be staying in Port Moody after several board of directors paid a visit to Columbia Street. Were we really compared to Prince Albert, SK?

A report in the ‘consent agenda’ of the Feb 10th New West Council meeting outlines how a new illicit drug inhalation center is set to open up in downtown New West. The report was only made public a few days ago and is likely to get the support of a majority of Council when it comes up for a vote of Feb 10th. But with only a few days in the public realm, have local residents been provided with enough time to weigh in on whether they want this latest harm reduction service to be added into their neighbourhood?

Queen’s Park residents have spoken and many of them are none to happy about the prospect of ‘rewilding’ or ‘naturalizing’ both the 5th Street and 2nd Street boulevards. A portion of the 5th Street boulevard has already had the special biodiversity treatment and it’s not going over well with local residents who are organizing a ‘grassroots’ campaign to put a halt to all of this. Yes, pun intended!

The latest Councillor Cafe featuring retired architect Michael Geller was a huge success. Just under 100 people attended the event that focused primarily on the proposed Columbia Square redevelopment. If approved, it will jam 7,500 new residents on to a postage stamp lot on the western part of our downtown that is already facing numerous challenges with traffic and transportation.

What does a sold out Burger and Beer at Begbie’s mean for the future of civic politics in New West? Is the NWP momentum continuing to build in time for the 2026 civic election? It would appear so.

Will a motion to approve two new Remembrance Day commemorative crosswalks get the green light from Council on Feb 10th? The discussion focuses on why our veterans deserve this special tribute in 2025.

The next NWP event is at the Taverna Greka on April 15th. Click here if you want to purchase tickets.

If you enjoy this podcast, be sure to let your family and friends know. It is available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcast.

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Episode 63: Massive Mayor’s Compensation, Exclusive Interview with Jag Sall, Michael Geller Talks Density

What a packed podcast! It includes a special exclusive interview with Jag Sall who sits on the executive of the Gurdwara Sahib Sukh Sagar in Queensborough. Listen to how the Gurdwara is connected to the broader community. I also talk about my interest in taking Punjabi lessons this year!

There is also a segment featuring Michael Geller, retired architect and developer, who talks about how density needs to be accompanied with investments in new public amenities. Geller will be the guest speaker at the Jan 30th Councillor Cafe taking place at the Holy Trinity Church at 514 Carnarvon St. from 7-9 pm. Geller reveals a couple of interesting connections to New Westminster.

The podcast also features a number of media interviews I did regarding massive pay and benefit packages for Metro Vancouver mayors. Did you know the Mayor of Burnaby collected almost $400K in pay and benefits in 2023? Listen to a series of reports and commentary featured on CKNW and Global TV.

If you enjoy the For the Record with Daniel Fontaine and Paul Minhas be sure to encourage your family and friends to follow the podcast! It is available on all major platforms including Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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